
Have a question or a comment about the Strongbow Saga or Judson Roberts’ other work? Want chat with other readers about the books or related subjects? Post here and look for responses from the author and other fans of the series.

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781 thoughts on “Discussions

  1. Hi Mr. Roberts, I want to thank you for the Strongbow Saga. My dad introduced me to it years back and I’ve re-read the series multiple times. It’s a phenomenal story and I’ve gotten a number of friends to read it, as well. I was looking on the “Books” tab above and noticed a link to purchase printed and signed editions of the books but the link didn’t work. I’d still love to buy the books though. I only have the kindle versions but I prefer hard copies of books. Is there another way I can buy signed editions? Also, I’m looking forward to book 5. The preview was already a great read. I’m excited for the rest. I know it’ll be worth the wait. Best wishes to you!

    • Hi Logan, thanks for writing. Thanks also for mentioning trying unsuccessfully use the “Buy Books” link. Unfortunately, this year I decided to shut down the Northman Books website those links led to, because the cost of maintaining it has become greater than the amount of business it generates, so at the present time my wife and I are no longer doing any direct sales. If that should change in the future, I’ll certainly post about it on this site. As for hardcover copies, they may become available in the not too distant future. Amazon has finally made it possible to publish, through their site, hardcover editions as well as paperback ones. I haven’t yet gone through the process of setting up hardcover editions, because I’m trying to devote all of my “book work” time to working on book 5, but that is on my list of things to eventually do.

  2. Hey Judson. I just want to say thank you for your novels. I started the Strongbow saga many years ago after I randomly found a copy I think at B&N or maybe online. I waited patiently for each following novel and still waiting for the 5th. I have no doubt it’ll be just as good as the previous. I hope you are able to find the time to work on it but if not I’m hoping you’re both enjoying the farm life even with the hard work that’s needed. Thanks again for all you do!

  3. Hello Mr. Robert’s I read your strong bow saga books 1-4 while I was in high school several year ago and have eagerly been waiting for book 5. Is there any updates you can or are willing to give. I understand you and your wife have had some health issues and the climate has not been kind for that I hope all had found you well this past year. Please when you have time can you give an update.

  4. Judson, I to am in my 80,s and desperately awaiting book 5, will I read it or will the 3 sisters get me first ?????.. when some of your readers have ask you about book 5 ,, you sound just like any of our politicians, you start to answer and skilfully slide off, sorry Judson ,I am just funning with you, we are all looking forward to the book with bated breaths, BUT please hurry up I can hear the scissors on the stones.. Dave Larkey

  5. Do we have an update on when The Long Wait might be over? I’ve been checking rather frequently lately because you mentioned your goal was to finish the book this year.

  6. I have been trying to finish this saga since 2010 I need to know if toke will ever pay for his treachery what of Strongbow how does his tale end hope you are well

    • Thank you, Dustin, I am well. I appreciate you wanting to finish the story. Book 5’s current working (and probably final) title is Into the Wildlands, but I probably should call it The Long Wait instead.

  7. So, a bit of a fun and random speculative question, but what do you think Halfdan, Hastein, and the others would think if they somehow heard the story of The Lord of the Rings? I’ve found it a little funny because Tolkien has a elf character (Beleg Cuthalion) in the Silmarillion whose nickname is Strongbow too

    • I think they would have enjoyed the story very much. Tolkien, as a professor at Oxford, studied and was an expert on Anglo-Saxon literature and Norse Sagas, and drew heavily on stories within those works as inspiration for aspects of The Lord of the Rings. For example, the Hervarer Saga, which includes a mix of tales probably derived from oral tradition and skaldic tale-telling, and which Tolkien wrote about in scholarly papers, contains a tale about the conflict between the ancient Huns and the Goths, a Germanic tribe that migrated from Sweden to the European mainland, something that happened in the 4th century, and which is the inspiration for the Riders of Rohan. The same saga also contains a riddle contest, and is probably the inspiration for the one between Bilbo and Gollum. So Hastein, in particular as a high-ranking member of the Danish nobility, would have grown up in a household wealthy enough to periodically have skalds visit and provide entertainment by telling epic tales.

  8. Any target date? I’ve read books 1-4 three times anticipating book 5. I turned 80 this year and am awaiting book 5. I love the books, they are my favorites after Lord of The Rings?
    Keep writing,

    • Thanks so much for enjoying the books, and for writing. I’ve grown leery of predicting when book 5 will come out, because I’ve missed several past predictions, but I am working on it, and I want you to be able to read it as soon as possible.

      All best,


  9. I remember picking up Viking Warrior at an independent bookstore on vacation with my family when I was a young teenager. Every couple of years, I have found myself returning to Halfdan’s journey. I am sooooo excited for the release of the next book! I’m in my thirties now, so rereading the series this past year has been both very enjoyable and a very different experience from the first time I read the books. 10/10 would recomend a reread!