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18 thoughts on “A Bumpy Year

  1. I sincerely hope 2025 is going better for you and your family we will all be here waiting for whenever you’re comfortably able to finish the series

  2. Hope all is well! Been reading these books since 2010! Hands down my favourite book series. Love the research and knowledge put into every piece of history.

  3. Dear Sir, I’m very sorry to hear about the pain and suffering you and your family have been experiencing. I have a brother with MS and as a recently retired 68 year old diabetic with a heart condition and arthritis I can sympathize with what you are going through. In my younger years and as a U.S. Navy veteran I sought out a lot of my pleasures in drinking and women but also from an early age in reading, well the drinking is gone and I’ve been married for 39 years now with 2 beautiful daughters and 4 grandchildren.

    Besides my family, reading is my main passion now and your Strongbow Saga has given me great pleasure. I understand how it is hard to focus on completing the last 2 books of this series with everything you have going on at this time. You probably do not want to hear this but have you thought about another writer completing the series for you? Or assisting you in completing it?

    Respectfully, Gary E. Bell

    • Thank you, Gary. As for having another author complete the series, that’s not going to happen for two reasons. First, it’s something I want to do. Second, the only time a new author comes in to continue another author’s series is when the series is published by one of the big publishers, is very financially successful, the publisher wants to continue making money on it, and the author, and/or author’s family if the original author is dead, consent. None of those conditions–including, thankfully, that I’m not dead yet :-)–are present.

  4. It’s been a while since I’ve checked in on the strongbow saga, and while I wish the latest book was ready, I am just excited to hear that you haven’t given up! I am so looking forward to being able to read it and continue Halfdan’s story. Glad to hear you made it through these past crazy years and I look forward to seeing updates in the future.

  5. I really liked your Longbow series. Some of my own ancestors come from Aarhus, Denmark. I appreciate the research done for these novels.

  6. Glad to hear that all is well now. 2024 certainly was a bumpy year for my family too. I hope 2025 is better for all of us!